Don Mauro Mantovani appointed Prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Library
The Faculty wishes the Dean good luck in his new position
The Press Office of the Holy See communicated today, 14 February 2023, the appointment of prof. Mauro Mantovani as Prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Library. The Holy Father has therefore chosen our Dean for this important and prestigious position.
Don Mantovani has held various offices for the UPS: Rector Magnificus for two terms (2015-2018 and 2018-2021); Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy; Dean of the Faculty of Social Communication Sciences; Vice-rector. He was President of the Conference of Rectors of the Pontifical Roman Universities (CRUIPRO) and is currently a Member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas and of the Scientific Committee of the Agency of the Holy See for the Evaluation and Promotion of the Quality of Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (AVEPRO).
The Faculty of Philosophy expresses its most sincere wishes to Don Mauro for this new and precious service for the Church.