Governance Structure

The Founder Body

The Provincial and his Council

Official Name: The Salesian Vice Province of St. Joseph – Sri Lanka (LKC)

Provincial: Rev. Fr. Roshan Mirenda SDB

Vice Provincial: Rev. Fr. Paul Sajeewaka SDB


Economer: Rev. Fr. Sagayaraj Philominathan SDB

Rev. Fr. Susith Milroy SDB

Rev. Fr. Melvin Roy SDB

Rev. Fr. Saman Chinthaka SDB

Rev. Fr. Pius Rathnapillai SDB

Rev. Fr. Sebastian Fernando SDB

The Governing Board

The Governing Board of DBCIPH is the Institute’s collegiate governing body. It establishes policy lines in terms of strategy and programming, as well as the directives and procedures necessary to implement them in the areas of organization of teaching and academic staff, research, human and economic resources and budget preparation. The Governing Board is appointed by the Provincial and his Council. The Governing Board is formed by the Provincial who is the chancellor of DBCIPH, the Rector who is also the vice-chancellor, the Principal who is also its secretary, the Dean/vice principal and the Administrator. A member will be elected by the Academic Council from the teaching staff.

Chancellor/Provincial: Rev. Fr. Roshan Miranda SDB (Provincial)

Vice Chancellor/Rector: Rev. Fr. Melinda Wicramasinghe SDB (Rector)

Principal/Secretary/Registrar: Rev. Fr. Sebastian Fernando SDB

Vice Principal: Rev. Fr. Faustin Bahati SDB

Administrator: Rev. Fr. Faustin Bahati SDB

Chief Librarian: Rev. Fr. Robin Fernando SDB

A Representative from the Teaching Faculty

The Acadamic Council

President: Rev. Fr. Sebastian Fernando SDB, Principal

Rev. Fr. Melinda Wickramesinghe SDB

Rev. Fr. Susith Milroy

Rev. Fr. Anthony Fernando

Rev. Fr. Paul Sajeewaka

Fr. Robin Fernando SDB, Chief Librarian

Finanace Committee

President: Rev. Fr. Faustin Bahati SDB, Administrator

Rev. Fr. Melinda Wickramasinghe , Rector

Rev. Fr. Sebastian Fernando, Principal

Mr. Imantha Nikash, Accountant

Library Council

President: Rev. Fr. Robin Fernando SDB, Chief Librarian

Rev. Fr. Melinda Wicramasinghe , Rector

Rev. Fr. Sebastian Fernando SDB, Principal

Mr. Imantha Nikash, Librarian

Consultant: Dr. Anton Meemana

Consultants: Mr. M. A. Roshan – Chief Librarian, UCPL, Seeduwa

Consultant : Mr. Prasath Gunesena – Public Library, Colombo

Research and Publication Council

President: Rev. Fr. Faustin Bahathi SDB, Vice Principal

Chief Editor – Chinthanaloka Philosophy Journal

Rev. Fr. Melinda Wicramesinghe SDB, Rector

Rev. Fr. Sebastian Fernando SDB, Principal

Dr. Anton Meemana


Curatorium Secretariat IT Lab & Internet Access Finance Management Library Hospitality
Governing Board Registrar Study & Research Platforms Food & Security Subscriptions Health & Gymnasium
Formation & Counseling Website Journal & Publications Property & Maintenance Printing Playgrounds
Fund Raising Curriculum Development, Exams and Class Time Table Propaganda & Social Media PDO, Civil and Legal Affairs Book Shops & Book Fairs Extra-Curricular Activities
Developmental Projects Academic & Cultural Programmes Sports & Recreation Protection of Ambient & Green Practices Catholic Religious Functions
Public Relations Cambridge Assessment English & IELTS Students Union Technical Staff & HRM Sunday Oratories
Social Services Teaching Faculty Clubs & Societies Scholarships & Charity Projects
Summer Activities UGC & Academic Relations Correspondence with the Galle Dioceses