Since 1996 Don Bosco Chinthanaloka Institute of Philosophy and Humanities (DBCIPH) at Katuwila, Ahungalla – 80562, is a Catholic Higher Education Institute of Don Bosco Society Sri Lanka. DBCIPH provides an opportunity to study philosophy in the Christian and Western intellectual tradition parallel to the richness and the antiquity of the Eastern Thought directed by a local and foreign faculty of lecturers. It is incorporated and registered as a Non Profit Company (PV 122978) under the Companies Act of the Government of Sri Lanka, No. 7 of 2007. DBCIPH is also recognized as an Associate Faculty with the Faculty of Philosophy of the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) in Rome, Italy. DBCIPH has chosen the British Council Sri Lanka as its exam centre for Cambridge English Qualifications in FCE B2 & IELTS.
DBCIPH offers a Two Years Diploma in Philosophy recognized by the Salesian Pontifical University (EU – Diploma Prot. No. 28/2016 dated 25th July 2016 of the Salesian Pontifical University) and a Three Years Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy (BPh). The academic programme is geared towards a holistic learning and research activity. Surrounded by a brotherhood of other religious orders and secular institutes the institute is open and inter-religious by its very nature making Chinthanaloka a home of Don Bosco for all young people. In 2017 the DBCIPH upgraded its curriculum with the demands of the Government Reconciliation Programme in Higher Education Sector and applied to UGC for the Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Non State Higher Education Institutions (NSHEIs).
The Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB) also known as the Salesian Society, officially named the Society of St. Francis de Sales is an International religious order present in 134 countries serving the young in education and formation. The headquarters of the World-Wide Don Bosco society is based at Via Marsala, 42, 00185 Roma (RM), Italy. Its global network of education and social service organizations include 15 universities, 96 institutions of higher education and thousands of schools and social development centres, catering preferentially to the less privileged and marginalized sections of society. The Administration headquarters of Don Bosco Society in Sri Lanka is based at Don Bosco, no. 66, Dungalpitiya, Thalahena, 11504 – Negombo, Sri Lanka. Don Bosco Society Sri Lanka offers its services in 7 technical institutes island wide, 4 centres which are engaged in intellectual and cultural qualification and a number of other institutes covering the entire continuum of social development.
Is a Biblical invocation (from the Gospel of St. Luke 18:41) on the encounter between the blind man of Jericho and Jesus. The yearning of the blind man to “see” reflects every human person’s insatiable search for meaning. This search reaches its zenith in that realm where the “seeing” becomes an experiential awareness of the totality of Reality. The formation that Chinthanaloka offers is geared towards the realization of this insight into the mystery of reality and thereby paves the way for an active participation in the establishment of the Reign of God on Earth.